★アリストンホテルAristonHotel★ ホテル運営の裏側・お客様の横顔・周辺観光などをご紹介

宮崎・北九州・神戸・京都 We are the hotel chain which operates four hotels in western Japan, Miyazaki, Kitakyushu, Kobe, and Kyoto.

Introduction of the banquet hall 【Castilla] ☆ Ikuta Koto Ouga Kai New Year party ☆

Hello, everyone ♪

Ariston Hotel Kobe's SNS representative is KIKICHI!


The hotel is in a place where the sea can be seen, but Kobe has both ocean and mountain

My favorite very nice city ☆ Mi

I will tell you a lot about the charm of Kobe and Ariston Hotel Kobe (^ O ^)



The first memorable occasion is an introduction to the use of Ariston Hotel Kobe's banquet hall! !

This time we will introduce you with words from customers who actually used the venue ♪



Aristonhotel Kobe Castile

Ariston Hotel Kobe has 6 banquet halls.

Among them, I feel calm and quiet space this time


It is 5F Castilla.

It is approximately 350 square meters in size and for standing it is available for about 180 people.


1/27 【Ikuta Koto Ouga Kai new year party】 was held.



Aritonhotel Kobe Koto Performance Party


Aritsonhotel Kobe Koto Party Panel

What is Ikuta Ryu Koto Ouga kai...

The Koto class in Kobe. (It seems that you are recruiting students ☆)

Headquarters is near JR Sumiyoshi Station ♪ Please come and visit us.




Ikuta Koto Ouga Kai is the 12th regularsman from Ariston Hotel Kobe's former hotel!

If you are looking for a venue, please refer ♪


Q1 Usage details

  Koto (koto) playing meeting and dinner


Aristonhotel Kobe Koto Party Dinner


Aritsonhotel Kobe Koto Party

Q2 Pont looking for the venue

Cost · Area of the venue

Where you can clear the problem of sound (you can play koto freely)


Q3 What I was glad to use

There was not much precaution and it was available freely.


Q4 Difficult to use

The toilet is not on the hall floor


Q5 Reason for multiple use

☆ Reliability to those in charge ☆

Cost performance, ease of use


Q6 Ariston Hotel Kobe's favorite place

Person in charge ♡



Aristonhotel Kobe Koto Party


Ariston Hotel Kobe with customers from this questionnaire

It really comes to know that the relationship of trust is greatly related ♪

We would like to expand this relationship with customers like this in the future

I will make more efforts.